viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022

The magic potion for happiness

 Are you truly happy?

We comprehend this emtion like to fullfill us in everything we do. Fo 25% of people exist in material things and in the other hand 75% of people believe in happiness with their family and friends.

In my blog I'm going to talk abour it's pretend, my personal experience and materialism such as ilusion.

Pretend Happiness 


Currently I ask my mom's opinion, she is psychologyst and she told me that more than 100 millon of people post happiness and fullfilment. I wonder, how many of those users feel anxiety, depression, anger and fear?

It is nomal to say in that way, however the path that we use to express our feelings is not always the right one. What I mean by this? If we feel anger, we are not going to take it out, hit or yell with the first person we meet. We have to calm down and find the opportunity to say it. Other emotions are important not only happiness.

My personal experience 

Breathing is the best way to express yourself, it is because according to my experience, believe me that exploding is not the best way to solve things, rather it makes the situation worse.

The last year in school, I always had bad days, discussions with my parents and friends, that when I think that everything was going well, again something happens.

One of those days I had a discussion with my mother (again), then I arrived to school, another fight with my best friend and my classmates, that by the end of the day, I didn't want to play to play volleyball and I started to cry and a success of terrible event unchaind I express my anger, anxiety and sadness against my best friend and friend.

After 5 hours I realized what I had done, I apologized and things changed.

Think what you want to do sometimes the things changed forever and don't return.

Materialism VS Happiness

Materialism and capitalism. You don't thing that they are connected? In my opinion capitalism priority is consume, buy and economy, nothing else. What happens if in a country their leader or president support capitalism and to make it worse his campaing is based on one phrase: "Happiness in a single purchase"? 

People buy, feel happy one day, then time passes, and as they saw that this didn't work; which is the another alternative? Right: pills, pills for happiness. No, no and no. All of this does not give you true fullfillment. Actually people noticed more in material things that in emotions and moments.

Let's become aware, materialism is not everything in life. It is nice buying something for yourself, nevertheless if it is in excess, it is wrong, everything with excess is wrong. 

Happiness is built with over the years. It is not thing of day and it is all. Moments, friends, family, passions, music, study, every single thing in our lifes can male true happiness. 

"Happiness does not need to be ingested, because it is already there, you only need someone who helps you find it". Belinda. 

The magic potion for happiness

 Are you truly happy? We comprehend this emtion like to fullfill us in everything we do. Fo 25% of people exist in material things and in th...