martes, 5 de octubre de 2021

New School, New Life

Hi, I'm Olivia, I'm 15 years old, today I want to relate an experience that changed my life, this story happened a long time ago I was just 12 years old, I had just moved to Canada a few weeks ago, my parents had gotten a better job and they enrolled me in a new school, that day I remember well that I was terrified to enter my new school and to make new friends, the bad thing was that it made me very nervous and worked a lot when I spoke, I wanted that not to happen to me that day , I wanted to be as calm as possible and be received in the best way.

The day before I remember having checked the page of the new school and according to what I saw it was a very nice, spacious school and it had a laboratory that was what moved me the most because I had never seen a school have a laboratory and because I I loved everything related to science, after a crazy day at school, I came to the conclusion that nothing turned out as I expected, everything was upside down I got too nervous, everyone left me looking bad and from there what was the “New” they annoyed me a lot, they discriminated against me, they took my things from me, they discriminated against me and they didn't want to be with me.

After a while between what my classmates did to me and in general half of the school I adapted little by little, after a long time I made 2 friends who to this day are still with me, they are the best friends I have had In life, I thank you very much for being there with me at all times, I appreciated you very much and I love you, you are my favorite people in the world.

From this experience I learned to be stronger, to defend myself, to be firm with some people, to ask for help if I need it, to trust the people that I know who love me and who will always be by my side no matter what happens.

The magic potion for happiness

 Are you truly happy? We comprehend this emtion like to fullfill us in everything we do. Fo 25% of people exist in material things and in th...